Another overseas fellowship available for industry personnel. Be quick to apply!
Thirteen overseas fellowships sponsored by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) are now available by way of application. Please note that this fellowship is not the same as the Agri-Food Industry Skills Council Fellowship which closed for applications on September 5.
Each successful applicant receives a maximum of $10,000 towards overseas travel costs and living costs (for a two to three week period) and also course fees.
The fellowships are designed for those established in technical, trades and artisan areas, in industry and rural sectors, to enable the gaining of skills which are not available in TAFE, agricultural college or university courses in Australia (“skill deficiencies” as opposed to skill shortages). The information gained may be related to lost skills or cutting-edge technologies so far unavailable in Australia.
Recent examples include agri-tourism, regional produce and sustainable land use among many others. A Queensland flower grower went to Israel, Spain and Holland to study hydroponics, water use efficiency, environmental sustainability and production management and a Victorian farmer went to Holland, the United Kingdom and France to study the role of nutrients and their effect on number, size and quality of fruit.
Primary Industries is one of the six industry areas targeted for these fellowships and includes the following sectors – cattle, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, land and water management technologies, climate change, horticulture and forestry.
This is a great opportunity for those working in rural and related industries, including Horticulture, to be paid to study best practice overseas and to introduce those skills into Australian workplace practice.
Click here for more information. For further details and personal assistance beyond what is shown on the website please call either Andrew Stenberg or Paul Sumner on 03 9882 0055.